Monday, December 3, 2007

Slash Fiction and Fandom

Not really sure what Jason was referring to when he sent us an E mail saying we were going to be reading about queering culture? I was surprised i've never heard of it being a Purchase student and all that. I decided to check out Henry Jenkins site to culture myself a little on the topic before I sunk my teeth into. I'm reading along and realize before I do any of this I need to first learn what fandom means and what slash fiction is..... Thank god for wikipedia
Fandom is a subculture of people who are networked through their love/obsession for something. The people in these subcultures feel a sense of camaraderie amongst their fellow fans. Slash fiction is a genre of fan fiction in which homosexual romantic encounters/relationships are depicted by fan writers usually dealing with characters or stories they are fans of. I was surprised to some that some of these slash fiction writers have become famous from their work. Then I realized how narrow-minded I was being and accepted the fact that slash fiction, although almost parody like, is in itself its own form of art and takes on its own aura.
Anyways, the two stories I read were DMZ and Stand Down. DMZ particularly caught me off guard because I wasn't ready for the explicitness of the material. It is about two male characters and their first sexual encounter with one another. It is very detailed and gives you a very distinct visual of what is going on. You can really feel the awkwardness/sexual tension between the male characters and I found that very surprising.
I think slash fiction could really sway ones narrow view of homosexuality. It shows how compassionate and romantic a homosexual relationship could be. It goes against the stereotypes that we mainly hear about in mainstream society. It would be interesting to know of the sexuality of the authors, because although one may assume they are homosexual themselves, you never know. I also think slash fiction is a good depiction of fandom and how obsessed fans can get with something. For someone who is not associated with fandom, I find it odd that people could devote so much time to something. However although I find it strange that people write homosexual love stories between those they are fans of, at least this way they are somewhat more involved in their obsession. This way they can share their ideas and stories with other fans.


milk in the sand said...

It is interesting, isn't it. I doubt it would sway many opinions on homosexuality. Ideological bigotry is something that fulfills a need in people, all people need to hate something. It's part of human nature, and it's rare for someone to just be swayed like that. I doubt gay erotic fiction would be the thing to do it. Though it certainly can dispel myths, and help remove ignorance about the culture.

Conwenk said...

I don't think the point of Slash Fiction is to sway opinion of homosexuality. The close minded people who fear gay people and what it represents to be gay aren't going to have an epiphany because they saw that gay love can be just sensual and in many cases more so then straight sex. If anything a lot of these comics and fandom writings is to let out repressed sexual frustration in a world that isn't tolerant of love forms that don't follow older conventions. Religion has a lot to do with the animosity towards gay love and marriage. We won't allow Native Americans to smoke peyote as part of their religious ceremonies, but we are perfectly fine with supporting another religions idea of marriage. Though Slash fiction isn't necessarily the best medium for gay awareness, it shows that Gay love does in fact involve love, and that not all gays are the child molesting sodomites that many people believe them to be in the back of their rigid racist minds.

Katie_Rose said...
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Katie_Rose said...

Was I the only one seriously excited about the email that we got? When I was younger I discovered fan fics and the different types of relationships that people would write about. It's all about taking a film, tv shows, or novels and making a part of it your own in a way. The people that do this sort of form their own families thus creating a subculture.

"It would be interesting to know of the sexuality of the authors, because although one may assume they are homosexual themselves, you never know. I also think slash fiction is a good depiction of fandom and how obsessed fans can get with something."

I think slash fiction is just another way of expression. You don't have to be gay to enjoy reading or writing slash fiction. What is comes down to is how fans feel about the characters they are portraying.

The Real Message said...

"I think slash fiction could really sway ones narrow view of homosexuality. It shows how compassionate and romantic a homosexual relationship could be. It goes against the stereotypes that we mainly hear about in mainstream society."

Good blog read. I would have to disagree with you, saying that it could sway ones view on homosexuality. i think homosexual couples are as passionate, or maybe even more passionate then heterosexual couples, because there is another level of understanding in the relationship and being more in a minority group. It’s the lack of knowledge and understanding in the eyes of society and how homosexuals are portrayed.
I found it also interesting in these stories that its not just about two men having sexual relations, but can be rather kinky as there are animals and other forms of human beings involved sometimes. It all seems rather Japanese. Anyway I am not really into this stuff, but its interesting how I’m sure many people are interested in this form of free sexual expression.